
Prolonged Power Outage: How To Prepare Yourself


As you know, a power outage can affect the entire community and economy. As per a survey in 2012, it has been recorded that the power outage affected around 4000 people in India. Also, If those people could have aware of how to survive a prolonged power outage then they could have survived their life happy. In the coming days, the power outage may result in the loss of electrical power supply to the end-user. In common languages, a power outage is known by many names such as power out, blackouts, power cut, power blackout.

There can be many reasons for power failure in power outage such as


Most of the time electric power goes out unexpectedly. Then all the surrounding communities and economy are affected like:

India and other neighboring countries, residents will likely be warmer than normal temperatures in the cold weather of 2019-2020. Severe weather reports for the coming season indicate. That you have to be prepared to face these mild conditions as part of your happy life.

How to survive a prolonged power outage

In such weather, winter storms and long term power outages remain a possibility. We have discussed several suggestions to manage disruptions in electricity and heating services in cold weather:

Make a list of important information on a paper

You need to keep a list of all those items that are useful to survive a prolonged power outage.  Write down all important contact numbers and also write Addresses such as schools, hospitals, a nearby medical shop. That provides supplies you maybe need to contact the local library, another public place. That has power where you can go to charge your electronic devices.

Keep Food Safe

You should keep meat, fish, eggs in the refrigerator below or equals 40 °F and freezer less then or equals to 0 °F. Also, to survive in a prolonged power outage, you should keep canned milk and goods, water to use in an emergency.

Cook Food on a Gas

In your house, you should use a gas stove or gas grill to safely cook food. whatever you cook, You should try to cook food as much as a need to eat. so that it can be saved from spoil.

Keep refrigerator and freezer closed during a prolonged power outage

You should try to keep the doors of your freezer and refrigerator as much as possible to maintain the temperature. The refrigerator can safe food on the maintained temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit and you can easily cook or toss some favorite fruits like pears, raw meat, soft cheese, etc.

After a power cut, About to 48 hours full-freezers are cooled and the half-full freezers are cold for at least 24 hours.

Avoid Carbon monoxide

You know a running generator can kill a person in above 5 minutes if the concentration of carbon monoxide gas is high enough. you can see CPSC reports from 2005-2017 more than 800 people died while using a portable generator.

Use a generator Safely

if you have a generator please try to use it safely. You should follow the below tips and try to apply these instructions

Communicate with neighbors

If you and your family communicate with neighbors. Tell them or your family about your planning to visit. The most important thing, if your elder and children stay at your home then asks to get help from neighbors that your elderly or children can navigate when they have lights.

Community location

You should go to the near to your community location with power if you know cool and heat is about to be extreme.

Maintain Food and water supplies

To survive a prolonged power outage, water and food are the two most important things which give the energy to survive life so you can maintain food supplies than no need to use the refrigerator. And don’t forget to maintain water supplies because water is life.

Also, you need to keep some basic objects. Such as

Turn off breakers during a prolonged power outage

You should unplug everything in your house. if you want to know when the electricity comes than you can keep one lighting circuit on. Sign up the computer, and systems. If weather reporters indicate of what is about to come with this season, then residents in several states think about the coming season’s weather events.

How to safe yourself during prolonged Power Outage


How to Prepare for long term prolonged power outage

Here are some important tips to prepare for long term prolonged power outage.

You know that power failure can be useful in many places, where the economy, environment, and public safety are at risk.

In the situation of power failure, hospitals, sewage treatment plants, mines, and most institutions use standby generators to continue work. Some time telecom uses to supply power and used batteries for backup in the battery room of the telephone exchange.

Most people keep a socket to connect the generator during the extended period of the outage is quite beneficial.

Your preparations can make your life safe and happy. we hope the above message helps you to prepare for long term prolonged power outage time. thanks for reading this blog. We hope you like it.


In this article, we try to explain how a prolonged power outage affects your daily routine. Also, Here we share the information on things you need to do in this condition. As we all know precaution is always better than cure. So, always you need to collect basic things that are helpful in any planned or unplanned power outage.

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