Having a generator canopy is always beneficial to increase the shelf life of a DG Set. Acoustic canopy generator is more safe & durable as compare to other open Genset. Also, each canopy has been specially designed to reduce the sound & quality ventilation. There are numbers of the manufacturer who deals in the canopy along with the best generator canopy price in India. A few of them come with the best emission control system to reduce noise & air pollution.
The availability of purchasing Genset canopy with high-quality raw material provides the surety of long duration of service. Apart from that, it reduces the noise of diesel generator & protects against theft & vandalism. Also, companies design & manufacture generator canopy on custom design based on client requirements.
But before getting the price detail of generator canopy in India. You need to understand the reason to buy canopy & other important features along with the cost of generator canopy in India.

An effective & efficient supplier or canopy manufacturing compony offering best in a quality solid structure & soundproof enclosed which reduces noise greatly. Canopy installation for the generator in the commercial or health sector such as hospitals provides a peaceful work environment for the employee. Also, the superior quality material of the generator enclosed is easily assembled at a distant site which reduces the maintenance cost with a complete security system.
Types of generator canopy
Based on the noise controlling of a canopy, we categorized them into 3 categories
Soundproof canopy for DG Set
Silent canopy is the best way to reduce the sound of a power generator. A soundproof generator enclosure design & manufacture with the high-quality sound-absorbing material. Also, these hard materials reflecting the sound back and resilient material absorb the noise & convert this noise into heat energy. This is the way how this canopy prevents the atmosphere from unwanted noise pollution. Silent generators are an ideal choice for silent zones such as schools, hospitals, and other public areas.
Canopy with noise level less than 75 dBA
Due to the requirement of more power the generator engine is louder. So, if you want to reduce the sound of high rated capacity DG Set, you need good quality sound-reducing Canopy for Genset. Usually, a canopy with less than 75 dBA noise levels is ideal for the commercial sector where the demand for power output is very high.
Canopy with noise level less than 120 dBA
Heavy power engine such as industrial generator noise level is very high. And because of its high noise working around this DG Set is a big challenge. But due to its high output feature, they are an essential need for industrial power needs. So, that is very important to control the noise to get proper work efficiency. And the soundproof canopy with noise level less than is an ideal choice for industrial application.
How to select the best canopy for DG Set

Choosing a canopy for DG Set is not a big challenge if you understand the basic points of the enclosure. So, that is important to know the requirement of DG Set & things to control noise pollution.
Here some basic information about DG Set & canopy, you need to consider before buying.
Acoustic and weatherproof canopy
This generator is soundproof, acoustic canopy means which gives lockable and weatherproof service both. This type of generator is installed outside a building like in the car parking area, ground, etc. with 80dba@1 meters noise level.
Containerized is generally larger generators approx 500KVA, with 80dba@1 meters noise level. Also, the feature is most similar to Acoustic and weatherproof canopy. IT is also soundproof with both lockable and weatherproof.
Bespoke built generators
These are built under accordance noise levels required, Here are some option to choose low levels to noise requirements.
Silent specification
These generators have 75dba with low sound emissions at 1 meter in an open field. and super Silent Specification to with 70dba and fewer sound emissions @1 meter in open field conditions.
Extreme Silent specification
It has 65 dba with low sound emissions @ 1 meter in the open ground field.
Whisper Silent Specifications
It has 60 dba with low sound emissions @ 1 meter in the open ground field.
Super silent whisper specifications
Super silent whisper specifications have 55 dba with low sound emissions @ 1 meter in the open ground field.
If any customers want to install a generator sited inside, then the company can custom made any generators according to customer’s requirements for its building.
There are multiple options for choosing the best in affordable price Generator Canopy Price in India. Which makes Generator Canopy sourced from certified vendors in the market. And offer a range to our clients at industry prices.
Generator canopy does not only reduce the sound of standby generator but they are very beneficial to protect your Genset against bad weather, theft & vandalism. Also, the range of canopy made with the best in quality raw material which offers long durability.
Here in this article, we share the information on types, features, benefits along with the generator canopy price in India. Here we mention all basic & important things about the canopy.