Here get an inquiry on the latest specification & price details of the 12.5 kVA generator in all available brands. We are the largest supplier & wholesale trader of diesel Genset in India. With our reliable service, you get complete inquiries on all makes & models of power generators.
The silent operational features & low fuel consumption rate of the 12.5 kVA generator make them more affordable for all job needs. Our trusted power solution organization for the home, commercial & industrial sectors work according to the requirements of the client. Also, the highly qualified team of technicians inspects all the parts of Genset before installing it at the client location. Our Genset distributorship is highly recommendable in Noida & Delhi NCR.
The offering range of 12.5 kVA silent diesel generators is mostly used in the small business sector, health sector, & others. Also, the latest specification & highly designed engine of Genset are able to provide continuous prime & optimal power when the main grids fail.
With the latest feature & affordable price range, EO Energy deals in several brands of 12.5 kVA Genset for different power needs. Our generator service in Noida is to work with the motive of customer satisfaction as well as trying to provide efficient external power for all needs. Apart from the deals in power backup, you will also get the inquiry for a 12.5 kVA DG Set canopy.
For low-budget or startup companies, we are also offering a used 12.5 kVA generator as well as a rental DG Set for temporary power needs.
12.5 kVA DG Set price list with product detail- Get an inquiry
With the best available brands such as Kirloskar, Mahindra, Honda, Kohler, and Topland 12.5 kVA Genset, EO Energy deals in a quality portable generator for sale. The compact design & long-duration performance make this DG Set an ideal match for all job needs. Also, our highly qualified team properly checks all job requirement & do the needed customization. This generator customization is completely client-based & we do it according to the client only.
1) Topland generator 12.5 kVA price
Topland Genet is a more famous & reliable manufacturer of power generators in India. The Topland DG Set is designed by using the latest technology & quality components. Also, the unmatched performance & durable service of this DG Set make them more efficient during function. EO Energy offers various kVA ranges of Topland diesel generators for sale. Here get an inquiry on the specification & price of 12.5 kVA Topland generators.

Product Specification:
Genset Rating | 12.5 kVA |
Application | Commercial, Industrial |
Fuel | Diesel |
Type | Manual |
Output | Three-phase |
Cooling Method | Water-cooling |
No. of Cylinder | 2 |
Rated Speed | 1500 RPM |
Noise | Non-silent |
Engine Power | 20 hp Oil Engine |
Voltage | 320 V |
Frequency | 50 Hz |
Aspiration | NA |
Alternator | Magnetic |
Condition | New, Used, Rental |
2) Kirloskar generator 12.5 kVA Price & specification
Kirloskar provides clean & eco-friendly energy DG sets that are designed & manufacture as Kirloskar green generators for sale. This DG Set is available in different fuel categories such as diesel, propane, and gas. With the quality services of Kirloskar DG Set, our organization offers affordable 12.5 kVA Kirloskar generator prices in India. These Kirloskar diesel generators are mostly used in the mid-sectors power solution. Here get the inquiry on the latest specification & price of Kirloskar 12.5 kVA Genset.

Product Specification:
Genset Rating | 12.5 kVA |
Fuel | Diesel, Petrol |
Application | Home, business, Small industry |
Type | Automatic |
Phase | Single & Three-phase |
No. of Cylinder | 2 |
Cooling Type | Air & Water-cooling |
Noise | Silent |
Rated Speed | 1500 RPM |
Voltage | 320 V |
Frequency | 50 Hz |
Aspiration | NA |
Insulation | Class H |
Alternator | Brushless |
Condition | New, Used, Rental |
3) 12.5 kVA diesel generator price list
Get an inquiry for the specification & price of the 12.5 kVA diesel generator for sale. We are offering the complete range of diesel Genset in all available makes & models of various manufacturers. The testing of the DG Set is done under the observation of professionals only after we install it in client job locations. This diesel Genset is perfectly designed for mid-size power solutions. Get an inquiry,

Product Specification:
Genset Rating | 12.5 kVA |
Brand | Koel, Kohler, Mahindra, Honda |
Application | Business, Industrial |
Type | Automatic, Semi-automatic |
Phase | Single-phase, Three-phase |
Cooling Type | Air, Water, Liquid-cooling |
No. of Cylinder | 2 |
Noise | Sound-proof |
Rated Speed | 1500 RPM |
Voltage | 320 V |
Frequency | 50 Hz |
Fuel | Propane, Diesel, Gas |
Aspiration | TA |
Alternator | Brushless |
Condition | New |
4) Mahindra 12.5 kVA Generator Price
Mahindra Powerol is a leading manufacturer of clean and silent DG sets. Provides clear and eco-friendly energy generators with the latest technology designed by Mahindra own. Eo Energy is a trustworthy dealer and supplier of Mahindra Gensets in India. We provide all the make and models of Mahindra Powrol DG sets, Get inquiries for Mahinda 12.5 kVA DG sets Price & Specification.

Product Specification:
Genset Rating | 12.5 kVA |
Application | Commercial, Industrial |
Current | 43.5 Amp |
Fuel | Diesel |
Fuel Tank Capacity | 90L |
Output | Three-phase & Single-phase |
Cooling Type | Air-cooling |
Noise | Silent |
Voltage | 320 V |
Frequency | 50 Hz |
Rated Speed | 1500 RPM |
Condition | New, Used, Rental |
5) 12.5 kVA 3-phase generator price & specification
Our leading Genset trading & service provider organization provides the DG Set in various output types such as single & three phase generators. For the large or multiple power outputs, we are offering 3 phase 12.5 kVA Genset for sale. The optimal power performance with a low fuel consumption rate is a few of the best features of this DG Set. Here get the inquiry for 3 phase generator’s price & specifications.

Product Specification:
Genset Rating | 12.5 kVA |
Brand | Mahindra, Kirloskar, Topland, Kohler |
Fuel | Diesel, Gas, Propane |
Type | Automatic, Semi-automatic |
Phase | Three-phase |
Application | Industrial, Home Standby, Commercial |
Cooling Type | Water or Air-cooling |
No. of Cylinder | 2 |
Rated Speed | 1500 RPM |
Aspiration | NA |
Frequency | 50 Hz |
Voltage | 320 V |
Insulation | Class H |
Alternator | Magnetic, Brushless |
Condition | New |
6) 12.5 kVA silent DG Set price & specification
The Silent & noiseless features of any DG Set give you the best & hassle-free experience of work. Most of the time DG Set noise irritates us during the running hour of generators. But buying a silent generator is the best solution to avoid the noise of the DG Set. Our company only deals in soundproof DG sets in various kVA ranges. We are offering the best affordable price for a 12.5 kVA silent generator in India. Here get the product inquiry.

Product Specification:
DG Set rating | 12.5 kVA |
Brands | Hyundai, Tata, Koel, etc |
Fuel | Diesel, Petrol, Gas |
Noise | Silent |
Cooling system | Air & water cooling |
Type | Automatic |
Voltage | 230 V |
Frequency | 50 Hz |
Aspiration | NA |
Insulation | Class H |
Alternator | Stamford |
Power factor | 0.8 lagging |
Application | Commercial |
No. of cylinder | 2 |
Deals in | New, Used, Rental |
What is 12.5 kVA Genset load capacity?
The powerful engine of a diesel generator increases the efficiency & load capacity of a generator. For the continuous optional performance, this is better to run DG Set in 25% excess load. This will reduce 12.5 kVA generator fuel consumption.
Also, the fuel consumption of this DG Set depends on the gravity of the fuel. The specific gravity of 0.85 increases load capacity.
The tolerance of the generator is also applicable to the DG Set weight, components & alternator. That means the information on the generator load capacity always depends on the specification of the 12.5 kVA DG Set. Also, the various up-gradation and current production feature to update the information on fuel consumption & load capacity. For more inquiries on 12.5 kVA DG Set load capacity, you can call us. Our technical team shares the knowledge briefly.
12.5 kVA generator: features & advantages
A standby generator is always beneficial to protect your home or business power during a planned or unplanned power outage. Due to the high work efficiency & best in class engine power, this generator is more popular & highly recommendable for every job location.
Also, you can choose a generator based on your power output requirement. That means you can buy a 12.5 kVA Single-Phase DG Set or a 12.5 kVA Three-phase generator based on output needs.
Some of the best features & benefits of these diesel generators are as follows,
- Due to the high-quality components & best in class diesel engine, this 12.5 kVA diesel generator provides you with high-class reliable services.
- Remote controlling features of the generator give you an offer to control your power backup from a remote location.
- The automatic control panel or AMF panel of the generator auto-start & shut down during a power failure o when the main supply comes.
- The air-cooling function reduces the heat of the generator engine during the heavy-operation.
- Follow the latest CPCB-2 norms to provide clean & reliable energy.
- Controller with easy start & off button in the generator.
- The best-unmatched efficiency of the 12.5 kVA DG Set is the best key feature that makes them more popular & reliable for every job application.
- A 12.5 kVA standby Genset allows you to do an outdoor recreational activity or provide an efficient power supply in any event.
- Due to the compact design of this power backup, you can easily install this Genset in less space.
Reason to choose EO Energy to buy a DG Set
Buying power backup is always beneficial, but buying a generator from a trusted generator dealer is more beneficial. Because when you buy a DG Set from a reliable service provider it will provide you with the best in-class long-lasting services.
Since 2009, EO Energy is a trusted & reliable 12.5 kVA generator dealer in Noida & Delhi NCR. We provide various brands of 12.5 kVA generators for sale. Our high-quality industrial & home Genset range presents with the best attractive features & advantages. Get a list of a few of the best features of our services.
Low price: Compare to other generator service providers in NCR, EO Energy provides the best affordable price power backup for all needs. Our 12.5 kVA generator price list is more cost-effective and we didn’t charge any hidden cost.
Sales & service support: After installation of Genset in the client job location, we provide long-lasting generator service if it’s required. Also, we provide all brand generator components support & Genset maintenance.
Affordable maintenance cost: The low & affordable generator maintenance cost is one of the best features present with standby power backup. Our highly qualified team of technician provide routine maintenance service & update the status of Genset.
Product warranty:
Our power product comes with a fully guaranty & warranty. That means if you get any issues during the warranty period, our technician will provide all the services related to Genset’s health status. Also, we replace the nonworking components with new ones.
Check & test all components:
Before delivering or installation of a Genset in a customer location, Our team of well-skilled engineers checks & tests all components of the DG set properly. That means we give a long-lasting reliable power backup service to our clients.
With all these best-in-class features, EO Energy gives you the best diesel generator in Noida. Also, you experience the best generator price in India. Similarly, like providing New DG Set, EO Energy deals in a wide range of well-maintained second-hand generators for sale & 12.5 kVA generators on rent.
To get more information or want to buy a Genset you can call or contact us, our sales team will assist you with complete generator price & product specification.